The order also may include a requirement that the respondent pay the costs of the monitoring. The clerk shall identify the party as a person who needs interpreter services and the clerk or the court administrator shall be responsible for ensuring that an interpreter is available for every subsequent hearing. Any appropriate law enforcement agency should act where assistance is needed, even if the agency is not specifically named in the order, including assisting with the recovery of firearms as ordered. The legislature finds that it would be helpful for petitioners, respondents, judicial officers, court personnel, law enforcement, advocates, counsel, and others to have these new tools enacted into statute and made readily available in every court, with statewide best practices created for their use, specific to the context of civil protection orders. To the extent possible, the court shall take judicial notice of any existing restraining, protection, or no-contact orders between the parties before entering a protection order. (a) When the respondent is a minor, service of a petition for a protection order, modification, or renewal, shall be completed, as defined in this chapter, upon both the respondent and the respondent's parent or legal guardian. . (3) A temporary extreme risk protection order must include: (a) A statement of the grounds asserted for the order; (b) The date and time the order was issued; (d) The address of the court in which any responsive pleading should be filed; (e) The date and time of the scheduled hearing; (f) A description of the requirements for the surrender of firearms under RCW, (g) The following statement: "To the subject of this protection order: This order is valid until the date and time noted above. (ii) Service by electronic means must be made by a law enforcement agency, unless the petitioner elects to have the respondent served by any person who is not a party to the action, is 18 years of age or older and competent to be a witness, and can provide sworn proof of service to the court as required. (1) If the court grants a protection order for a fixed time period, the petitioner may file a motion to renew the order at any time within the 90 days before the order expires. (a) Any person residing in this State may seek relief under this Chapter by filing a civil action or by filing a motion in any existing action filed under Chapter 50 of the General Statutes alleging acts of domestic violence against himself or herself or a minor If any party has provided such notification to the court, the court shall not dismiss or grant the petition, but shall reset the hearing by continuing it and reissuing any temporary order in place. (11) Courts shall not require parties to submit duplicate or working copies of pleadings or other materials filed with the court, unless the document or documents cannot be scanned or are illegible. Two copies must be mailed, postage prepaid, one by ordinary first-class mail and the other by a form of mail requiring a tracking or certified information showing when and where it was delivered. (l) Other than for respondents who are minors, require the respondent to submit to electronic monitoring. Adolescent dating violence is occurring at increasingly high rates, and preventing and confronting adolescent violence is important in preventing future violence in adult relationships. (4) A temporary extreme risk protection order issued expires upon the full hearing on the petition for an extreme risk protection order, unless reissued by the court. (c) Service by mail is permitted when: (i) Personal service was required, there have been two unsuccessful attempts at personal service, and electronic service is not possible; or (ii) personal service is not required and there have been two unsuccessful attempts at personal or electronic service. (b) The protection order advocate shall not provide legal representation nor interpretation services. In any situation where a protection order issued under this chapter is modified or terminated before its expiration date, the clerk of the court shall forward on the same day a true copy of the modified order or the termination order to the law enforcement agency specified in the modified or termination order. (4) The petitioner and the respondent must disclose the existence of any other litigation or of any other restraining, protection, or no-contact orders between the parties, to the extent that such information is known by the petitioner and the respondent. (1) To minimize delays and the need for more hearings, which can hinder access to justice and undermine judicial economy, to lessen costs, to guarantee actual notice to the respondent, and to simplify and modernize processes for petitioners, respondents, law enforcement, and the courts, the following methods of service are authorized for protection order proceedings, including petitions, temporary protection orders, reissuances of temporary protection orders, full protection orders, motions to renew protection orders, and motions to modify or terminate protection orders. HTML PDF: 9A.46.060: Crimes included in harassment. (24) "Minor" means a person who is under 18 years of age. No later than three judicial days before the hearing, the parties may request to appear at the hearing, with witnesses, remotely by telephone, video, or other electronic means. Those who participate in the protection order process often find it difficult to navigate the statutes, which were adopted at different times and contain differing jurisdictional approaches, procedures, definitions, and types of relief offered, among other differences, all of which can create barriers and cause confusion. The envelopes must bear the return address where the petitioner may receive legal mail. Individuals who pose a danger to themselves or others often exhibit signs that alert family, household members, or law enforcement to the threat. . (b) The administrative office of the courts and superior and district courts shall provide the center for court research with necessary data to conduct the study, as requested by the center for court research. This additional service may be made by mail as an alternative to other authorized methods of service under this chapter. The district shall put in place any needed supports to ensure successful transition to the new school environment. (11) Subject to the availability of amounts appropriated for this specific purpose, or as provided through alternative sources including, but not limited to, grants, local funding, or pro bono means, if the court deems it necessary, the court may appoint a guardian ad litem for a petitioner or a respondent who is under 18 years of age and who is not represented by counsel. (2) Any order issued under this section must contain the date, time of issuance, and expiration date. "Mechanical restraint" does not include the use of devices, materials, or equipment that are (a) medically authorized, as required, and (b) used in a manner that is consistent with federal or state licensing or certification requirements for facilities, hospitals, or programs authorized under chapter. See definitions for stalking ( RCW 9A.46.110) Who may obtain the order: A person may file a Stalking Protection Order if they are the victim of any stalking conduct (RCW 9A.46.110). (a) Physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or the infliction of fear of physical harm, bodily injury, or assault; nonconsensual sexual conduct or nonconsensual sexual penetration; coercive control; unlawful harassment; or stalking of one intimate partner by another intimate partner; or. (10) All law enforcement agencies must develop and implement policies and procedures regarding the acceptance, storage, and return of firearms required to be surrendered under this chapter. (1) Any vulnerable adult who is not subject to an order under chapter, (2) In a hearing on a motion to modify or terminate the protection order, the court shall grant such relief consistent with RCW. If the officer serves the respondent with the petitioner's copy of the order, the officer shall give the petitioner a receipt indicating that the petitioner's copy has been served on the respondent. Because of the stigma of a sexual assault and trauma, many victims are afraid or are not ready to report to law enforcement and go through the rigors of the criminal justice process. Protection Order where alleged stalking committed by intimate partner or family or household member. (3) If the nonmoving party was served before the hearing, but less than five judicial days before the hearing, it is not necessary to re-serve materials that the nonmoving party already received, but any new notice of hearing and reissued order must be served on the nonmoving party. (4) If a law enforcement agency receives a protection order for entry or service, but the order falls outside the agency's jurisdiction, the agency may enter and serve the order or may immediately forward it to the appropriate law enforcement agency for entry and service, and shall provide documentation back to the court verifying which law enforcement agency has entered and will serve the order. Research shows that stalking is a significant indication of future lethality. no contact order, civil protection order, family law restraining order, protection order from another state, tribal order, military orders, parenting plans, divorce, landlord-tenant, employment, property , assault, police Any act of stalking as defined under RCW 9A.46.110; (b) Any act of cyber harassment as defined under RCW 9A.90.120; or (2) The law enforcement officer serving any extreme risk protection order under this chapter, including a temporary extreme risk protection order, shall request that the respondent immediately surrender all firearms in his or her custody, control, or possession, and any concealed pistol license issued under RCW. When a party alleging a violation of a protection order issued under this chapter states that the party is unable to afford private counsel and asks the prosecuting attorney for the county or the attorney for the municipality in which the order was issued for assistance, the attorney shall initiate and prosecute a contempt proceeding if there is probable cause to believe that the violation occurred. (9)(a) No fees for service of process may be charged by a court or any public agency to petitioners seeking relief under this chapter. The practice of dismissing or suspending a criminal prosecution in exchange for the issuance of a protection order undermines the purposes of this chapter. (8) If a person who is protected by a protection order has a child or adopts a child after a protection order has been issued, but before the protection order has expired, the petitioner may seek to include the new child in the order of protection on an ex parte basis if the child is already in the physical custody of the petitioner. Stalking is distinct from common acts of harassment or nuisance covered by antiharassment orders, and law enforcement agencies need to be able to rely on orders that distinguish stalking from acts of harassment or nuisance. (q) Restrain the respondent from committing acts of abandonment, abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation against a vulnerable adult; (r) Require an accounting by the respondent of the disposition of the vulnerable adult's income or other resources; (s) Restrain the transfer of either the respondent's or vulnerable adult's property, or both, for a specified period not exceeding 90 days; (t) Order financial relief and restrain the transfer of jointly owned assets; (u) Restrain the respondent from possessing or distributing intimate images, as defined in RCW. (3) The court in granting a temporary antiharassment protection order or a civil antiharassment protection order shall not prohibit the respondent from exercising constitutionally protected free speech. This notice may be provided at the time the parent, guardian, or conservator of the respondent appears in court or may be served along with a copy of the order, whichever occurs first. (b) A filing fee may be charged for a petition for an antiharassment protection order except as follows: (i) No filing fee may be charged to a petitioner seeking an antiharassment protection order against a person who has engaged in acts of stalking as defined in RCW. "Mental abuse" may include ridiculing, yelling, swearing, or withholding or tampering with prescribed medications or their dosage. (f) Every year, over 100,000 persons in our country are victims of gunshot wounds and 38,000 individuals lose their lives from gun violence. (c) Any course of conduct involving repeated or continuing contacts, attempts to contact, monitoring, tracking, surveillance, keeping under observation, disrupting activities in a harassing manner, or following of another person that: (i) Would cause a reasonable person to feel intimidated, frightened, under duress, significantly disrupted, or threatened and that actually causes such a feeling; (iii) The respondent knows, or reasonably should know, threatens, frightens, or intimidates the person, even if the respondent did not intend to intimidate, frighten, or threaten the person. (d) A protection order advocate who is not employed by, or under the direct supervision of, a law enforcement agency, a prosecutor's office, the child protective services section of the department of children, youth, and families as defined in RCW. The administrative office of the courts shall then arrange for translation of the instructions and informational brochures required by this section, which must contain a sample of the standard petition and protection order forms, into the languages spoken by at least the top five significant non-English-speaking populations, and shall distribute a master copy of the translated instructions and informational brochures to all court clerks and to the Washington supreme court's interpreter commission, minority and justice commission, and gender and justice commission. (2) Upon receipt of the request for a hearing to terminate an extreme risk protection order, the court shall set a date for a hearing. If a guardian ad litem is appointed by the court for either or both parties, neither the petitioner nor the respondent shall be required by the court to pay any costs associated with the appointment. In those cases, either request of the petitioner, or good cause for granting an order for electronic service, such as two failed attempts at personal service, are required to authorize service by electronic means. (v) Order other relief as it deems necessary for the protection of the petitioner and other family or household members who are minors or vulnerable adults for whom the petitioner has sought protection, including orders or directives to a law enforcement officer, as allowed under this chapter. (4) If a full hearing is set on a petition that is filed before close of business on a judicial day, the hearing must be set not later than 14 days from the date of the filing of the petition. Out-of-state child custody jurisdictional issues. (f) Any coerced or forced touching or fondling by a child under the age of 16, directly or indirectly, including through clothing, of the genitals, anus, or breasts of the respondent or others. (1)(a) Whenever a domestic violence protection order, a sexual assault protection order, a stalking protection order, or a vulnerable adult protection order is granted under this (2) A copy of a protection order granted under this chapter, including temporary protection orders, must be forwarded immediately by the clerk of the court, by electronic means if possible, to the law enforcement agency specified in the order. The legislature finds the prevention of such harassment is an important governmental objective, and that victims should have access to a method to prevent further contact between the victim and perpetrator. (vi) Contact by the respondent with the petitioner or the petitioner's family has been limited in any manner by any previous court order. The stalking violates a protection order that protects the victim. The court shall require a showing that the respondent has surrendered any firearms in the respondent's custody, control, or possession, and any concealed pistol license issued under RCW, (7)(a) If a court finds at the compliance review hearing, or any other hearing where compliance with the order is addressed, that there is probable cause to believe the respondent was aware of, and failed to fully comply with, the order, failed to appear at the compliance review hearing, or violated the order after the court entered findings of compliance, pursuant to its authority under chapter. (5) If the court does not set a full hearing, the petitioner may file an amended petition within 14 days of the court's denial. (i) For all protection orders except extreme risk protection orders, the protection order must include, in a conspicuous location, a notice of criminal penalties resulting from a violation of the order, and the following statement: "You can be arrested even if the protected person or persons invite or allow you to violate the order. 1. The procedures established under this chapter for protection order hearings supersede inconsistent civil court rules. (8) Upon filing a petition for a protection order, the petitioner may request that the court enter an ex parte temporary protection order and an order to surrender and prohibit weapons without notice until a hearing on a full protection order may be held. Stalking Protection Order is civil; Stalking No-Contact Order is criminal, in the context of pending criminal action. (d) Service by publication is permitted only in those cases where all other means of service have been unsuccessful or are not possible due to lack of any known physical or electronic address of the respondent. (iv) Any other adult for whom the petitioner demonstrates to the court's satisfaction that the petitioner is interested in the adult's well-being, the court's intervention is necessary, and the adult cannot file the petition because of age, disability, health, or inaccessibility. These include using approaches such as online filing of petitions, electronic service of protection orders, and video and telephonic hearings to maintain and improve access to the courts. (g) Other factors relating to a substantial change in circumstances. . When a petition and supporting documents for a protection order are submitted to the clerk after business hours, they must be processed as soon as possible on the next judicial day. If the court determines the amended petition does not contain prima facie allegations to support the issuance of any type of protection order or if the petitioner fails to file an amended petition within the required time, the court may enter an order dismissing the petition. If the court has entered an order that prohibits the respondent from possessing or purchasing a firearm, the law enforcement agency shall also enter the order into the national instant criminal background check system and any other federal or state computer-based systems used by law enforcement or others to identify prohibited purchasers of firearms. . The court has broad discretion to grant such relief as the court deems proper, including the forms of relief listed in RCW. The petitioner bears no burden of proving that he or she has a current reasonable fear of harm by the respondent. Restricting firearms access in these moments of crisis is an important way to prevent gun violence and save lives. The legislature further finds that it is important to modernize other aspects of the civil protection order statutes to reflect current trends, and to provide for data collection and research in these areas of the law. (2) Whether or not the petitioner has retained an attorney, a protection order advocate must be allowed to accompany the petitioner to any legal proceeding including, but not limited to, sitting or standing next to the petitioner, appearing remotely with the petitioner, and conferring with the petitioner during court proceedings, or addressing the court when invited to do so. In the event that the petitioner does not provide a service address for the respondent or there is evidence that the respondent is evading service, the law enforcement officer shall use law enforcement databases to assist in locating the respondent; (5) If the respondent is in a protected person's presence at the time of contact for service, the law enforcement officer should take reasonable steps to separate the parties when possible prior to completing the service or inquiring about or collecting firearms. (6) If the court declines to issue a temporary extreme risk protection order, the court shall state the particular reasons for the court's denial. (9) A court may require the respondent to pay the petitioner for costs incurred in responding to a motion to modify or terminate a protection order, including reasonable attorneys' fees. The court's decision on the appropriate type of order shall not be premised on alleviating any potential stigma on the respondent. If timely service cannot be made, the court may set a new hearing date. Commercial Burglary Prevention A commercial burglary is committed when there is unlawful entry of a commercial structure with the intent to commit a crime, usually a theft. Studies show that individuals who engage in certain dangerous behaviors are significantly more likely to commit violence toward themselves or others in the near future. Entry into the computer-based criminal intelligence information system constitutes notice to all law enforcement agencies of the existence of the order. "; (b) Develop and distribute instructions and informational brochures regarding protection orders and a court staff handbook on the protection order process, which shall be made available online to view and download at no cost. Jurisdiction Domestic violence protection orders, sexual assault protection orders, stalking protection orders, and antiharassment protection orders. (8) The rules of evidence need not be applied, other than with respect to privileges, the requirements of the rape shield statute under RCW. The list must be made available in print and online. . Forty-five percent of domestic violence homicides occur within 90 days of a recent separation, while 75 percent occur within the first six months of separation. (6) A petitioner may not obtain an ex parte temporary antiharassment protection order against a respondent if the petitioner has previously obtained two such ex parte orders against the same respondent, but has failed to obtain the issuance of a civil antiharassment protection order, unless good cause for such failure can be shown. (d) A provision prohibiting interfering with the protected party's efforts to remove a pet owned, possessed, leased, kept, or held by the petitioner, respondent, or a minor child residing with either the petitioner or the respondent. (5) To better achieve these important public purposes, the legislature further finds the need to clarify and simplify these civil protection order statutes to make them more understandable and accessible to victims seeking relief and to respondents who are subject to the court process. Additionally, district courts have limited jurisdiction over the issuance and enforcement of temporary extreme risk protection orders issued under RCW. (2)(a) When the jurisdiction of a district court is limited to the issuance and enforcement of a temporary protection order, the district court shall set the full hearing in superior court and transfer the case, indicating in the transfer order the circumstances and findings supporting transfer to the superior court. This limitation is not applicable to protection orders issued under chapter, (b) If the petitioner has petitioned for relief on behalf of the respondent's minor children, the court shall advise the petitioner that if the petitioner wants to continue protection for a period beyond one year, the petitioner may either petition for renewal pursuant to the provisions of this chapter or may seek relief pursuant to the provisions of chapter. (3) Upon the motion of a respondent, the court may not modify or terminate an existing protection order unless the respondent proves by a preponderance of the evidence that there has been a substantial change in circumstances such that the respondent will not resume, engage in, or attempt to engage in, the following acts against the petitioner or those persons protected by the protection order if the order is terminated or modified: (a) Acts of domestic violence, in cases involving domestic violence protection orders; (b) Physical or nonphysical contact, in cases involving sexual assault protection orders; (c) Acts of stalking, in cases involving stalking protection orders; or. (b) "Mental abuse" means an intentional, willful, or reckless verbal or nonverbal action that threatens, humiliates, harasses, coerces, intimidates, isolates, unreasonably confines, or punishes a vulnerable adult. Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, courts may not charge petitioners any fees or surcharges the payment of which is a condition precedent to the petitioner's ability to secure access to relief under this chapter. Any surrendered firearms must be handled and stored properly to prevent damage or degradation in appearance or function, and the condition of the surrendered firearms documented, including by digital photograph. Washington State code RCW 13.04.170 notes, "Where a case is legally sufficient the prosecutor For these guidelines as they are used in Washington State, see Washington State code RCW. The summons must be essentially in the following form: In the . (2) Any temporary orders to surrender and prohibit weapons must also be automatically reissued with the temporary protection order. (8) "Dating relationship" means a social relationship of a romantic nature. [2013 c 84 1.] (3) A person under 15 years of age who is seeking relief under this chapter is required to seek relief by a person authorized as a petitioner under this section. (1) All court clerks' offices shall make available the standardized forms, instructions, and informational brochures required by this chapter, and shall keep current specific program names and telephone numbers for community resources, including civil legal aid and volunteer lawyer programs. Minors are presumed to be unable to pay. The superior court to which the case is being transferred shall determine whether to grant any request for a continuance. dell wd19s docking station not detecting monitor, Relief as the court has broad discretion to grant such relief as the court may set a new hearing.! Form: in the context of pending criminal action successful transition to the new school environment nor interpretation.. 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